Saturday, February 14, 2015

Be My Cranky Valentine

Valentine's Day Or Singles Awareness Day as some of my friends call it is TODAY!!

Valentine means something different for everyone.  For retailers, sales of candy and furry animals.  For kids, parties, valentines, and sweets.  For parents, the rush to find the coolest Valentine ideas for the parties and cards.  For husbands, how to "out do" last year or the latest internet sensation.  For wives, the pining for that special gift to make them feel super special.  For singles, the dread of the social media posting of gifts or the commercials.

I have to admit I have been guilty of this in the past.  This year John planned a night out for Friday night.  We haven't been able to get away much lately so just the escape was an exciting prospect even if for just a few hours.  I was to meet John in Tyler at his job and I was going to be swept away for our date.  I know it doesn't sound romantic but with our lives sometimes practicality is the key to romance.    I was excited for a night away with my sweetheart but when the day arrived I was exhausted.  We had volunteered at an assisted living that morning, finished up the week's school work, and I had worked a few hours at a new job.  I had skipped breakfast and lunch and was running on just a protein shake.  Then add to that our oldest son who is autistic having a rough afternoon.  So to say the least I was exhausted...physically and emotionally.  All I wanted to do was curl up in my comfy bed and sleep.

So our plans altered and John headed home so we could be sure everything was settled.  When he arrives I was relaxing in bed, already eaten a few slices of the kids pizza, and asking if we could just stay home. His answer, No.  Get up and let's go.  So I reluctantly got up and headed out for our date night 2 hours behind schedule.  I must admit I slept on the way to Tyler (I know I know I am such a  great date) and was cranky.  But my sweetheart just kept pouring on the charm.

We opted for a movie since we didn't have time for a dinner and movie.  As we got settled in our seats and I snuggled up to the Hunky Hubby, I took a few deep breaths.  In the absence on the children's requests or the messy house or the endless to do lists, I could find that emotion of love that never leaves but is crowded out by all the other things in my life.  And that is when I realized how great a guy my Valentine is and spending time with him will always be my favorite date option.  Our date wouldn't make the headlines or be used for a Hallmark commercial.  Our love story will never likely be the inspiration for a Lifetime movie.  But it is ours.

So I ramble on to just encourage everyone to make your special someone a priority.  To go on those dates when you are exhausted.  To not retreat into sleep when that is easier.  To not forget why you fell in love.

Happy Valentine's Day from Dublin Lane!