Well, you may not have even realized I was gone but I am back! Unfortunately we ended up with the flu in 6 of the 7 folks in the house. This momma had it the worst and of course I am the only one that didn't see a doctor for a prescription to end my suffering. Isn't it always like that for us moms? We do a great job caring for others but not so much for ourselves.
With the new year just around the corner, the fact that I always seem to be my last concern made me consider what I will try to do different this next year. Top of the list is to make time for my well-being. I don't mean Girls Night Out, pedicures, or massages. I mean doing the things to promote a general well being....exercise, balanced diet, and daily quite time.
Honestly some days I don't eat before noon and you can forget about getting in my daily allowance of water or even a drink of water before mid-day. Exercise is always pushed off for more pressing matters (at least here lately during this busy part of the year). I do manage to spend time in Scripture frequently but it always seems hurried or rushed.
So I am reclaiming my importance (not an overstated one) but one where I schedule time for the things that will ensure my well being. But as I contemplate what this will actually look like for our family of seven I am finding a few indulgences I am going to have to give up and few areas I will need to discipline myself!
1. Sleeping in after the Hunky Hubby heads off to work. Neither my husband or I are morning folks. If we could have a schedule where we slept until 8am we would both awaken with the energy of spring chickens but with a houseful of kids that is just not feasible. Or at least when we do then the entire day is chaotic! So no more rolling into his warm spot and enjoying a few extra moments of sweet dreams!
2. Meal planning. I do a great job planning meals for the kids but I am a finicky eater. I don't like oatmeal or cereal which are great options for the kiddos. They love it and can manage their morning meal independent of me. So to make sure I eat I am going to have to prep ahead of time and make a plan. Boooo!
3. Laundry! Ugh! A family of 7 can wear some clothes especially with our littles fashionista who layers every outfit and changes multiple times each day. I think it is time to purge clothes to avoid the mountain of clothes. I mean if you only have so many sets of clothes you will have to laundry, right?
4. Date night! I miss my husband! Since staying home, I have limited adult interaction and boy to I miss it. But more than that I miss my best friend. We used to be able to manage a date night but recently faced the challenge of getting away. Our autistic son had a period of time where he just wasn't dealing with the world and finding a sitter is near impossible. So we just buckled in and rode out the storm. I love our commitment to doing what is best for our family but I think we forget that our relationship needs the same commitment and attention. So I am committing to finding time for my husband every day! Yep I know that is a big goal. But it can be as simple as a few minutes to share about our day. Or a time to laugh together.
So wish me luck as I discipline myself in the months to come. And check back in to see what is happening
Growing Up on Dublin Lane.