Sunday, April 12, 2020


I am taking you back to 2015 when I originally started this blog post.  I loved to blog and over the course of a couple of years did so regularly.  Then we moved to the DFW area, I returned to work, and life sped up with a few speed bumps to shake things up.  Recently I had to write a presentation for work and realized just how much I missed writing.  No promises on how often but I am going to see what God lies on my heart to share.  A friend shared just yesterday her motto "Progress over perfection". So here's to progress and a little flashback to 2015.

Funny how in 2020 we are sitting at home likely learning a new normal.  Using technology to connect with others while distanced.  Back in 2015 I was struggling with the schedules of 5 kids at home.

Let me set the stage,  we had 5 kids at home (13, 13, 10,10, 9).  I was not working but doing some consulting on the side for healthcare.  This was the first time since my youngest were babies I didn't work.


With a large family, structured schedules are the only way we can get through our day and accomplish anything.  To give you an idea of our "busyness" in the Summer of 2015 let me give you a run down:

Kid #1: Cheer/softball/soccer/pitching lessons
Kid #2:  Cheer/softball
Kid #3: Cheer
Kid #4:  Cheer 2 days/week (different that any kid); softball practice twice a week
Kid #5:  Appointments with 2 different providers every other week

So when I get interrupted on a task, I can be a real bear.  Partly because I know if I don't finish right now the hopes of ever getting back to the task are slim to none but mostly I am selfish.  Yep you heard it right.

I want what I want when I want it.

And even if you don't want to admit it you do too.


Fast forward to 2020......

When Jesus interrupts my life with grace and truth.

Today as I read these words I chuckle because the crazy train was just leaving the station.  Nothing ever slowed down.  Well, until this pandemic showed up on the scene.  And even then as an "essential" worker I felt like my work sped up.  About the only thing that happened was my kids and I stayed home.  John still goes to work at his facility.  I still work longer hours than I should.  the kids continue to struggle with life just with different things of life.  We did give up extracurricular activities but majority of that was moved to a virtual platform.  

So was life really interrupted?  Or did I just want what I wanted when I wanted it.  

Seems like nothing really changed in life except what I can only describe as an awakening of my soul.   I had settled into my relationship with God.   Happy to study the Bible and attend service.  Still devoted to His plan for my life but more on autopilot.  Now I feel a yearning to know more and pray more.  I am getting an up close and personal view of others who were struggling in this time.  (me included!).  My gloomy, blue days tend to linger longer and show up more often.  As the school instruction moved home it was another moment to re-evalute what was important.  

This is where John is the real MVP of this story.  He helped prioritize what was important and kept me grounded.  God uses John in my life every day to point me back to what God wants for my life.  He saw early in this season that we would do what we could when we could and no more.  Let me repeat that....

We will do what we can and no more. How freeing to rest in what can be done instead of focusing on what should or even expected by others.

The pandemic didn't interrupted my life...

Jesus did.   

He has been doing that since the beginning of time.  Ever since sin (attempted to) interrupt God's perfect story.

So on this day where we celebrate his resurrection and triumph let's embrace the interruptions.

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